The Best Content Marketing Agencies in Montreal

Content Marketing Agencies Montreal

It may seem a little odd for a content marketing agency in Montreal to recommend other content marketing agencies in Montreal…

First and foremost: we believe that having a focused content strategy is very important for your business, whether you decide to work with Bread and Circuses or not. 

Your customers rely on content to solve their problems. They consume content to discover your product in a sea of other products. They rely on content to compare similar products. They rely on content to drive a purchase decision and to get continued support after they purchase.

Beyond this: they rely on content to understand what your company is about and what you stand for. In a world of highly competitive products and services, your company values and mission is often the difference between a new customer and a never customer.

Customer expectations are rising: according to Salesforce, 80% of customers now consider the experience a company provides to be as important as the product.

To get content right, you need the right partner to help devise and execute your content strategy, creating and distributing content that drives results on search and social channels.

Why Hire a Content Marketing Agency?

In today’s digital landscape, hiring a content marketing agency makes sense for businesses looking to establish a strong brand identity, drive conversions, and leverage a team of experts in various disciplines.

One of the key benefits of working with a content marketing agency is its ability to create a cohesive brand identity through strategic content creation and distribution. They also have the expertise to drive conversions through engaging and targeted content that resonates with the target audience.

Compared to a freelancer, a content marketing agency offers a more robust approach to strategy, content quality, search engine optimization, and conversion tracking. Their team of specialists can provide a wide range of skills and perspectives to elevate a brand’s content marketing efforts.

Experienced content marketing agencies in are uniquely positioned to deliver successful content marketing campaigns due to their established track record, access to resources, and understanding of industry best practices. By collaborating with a content marketing agency, businesses can benefit from a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to their content marketing efforts.

To get content right, you need the right partner to help devise and execute your content strategy, creating and distributing content that drives results on search and social channels. The best content marketing agencies in Montreal do all of this while taking into account the unique context of the city and province. 

What to consider when choosing a Content Marketing Agency in Montreal

Whether you need help creating a content and distribution strategy

The most important part of successfully using content to drive business results is to develop the right strategy, which includes understanding your customer journeys, build customer personas and then ultimately creating your content and distribution plan.

To do this, you need to work with a team that has expertise in thinking of content as a whole–not just in parts.

On the other hand, you may just need an agency that focuses more on content production and executing an existing content strategy, in which case you need a team that does solid research and understands your brand and the requirements of the channel they are creating content for. 

For example, If your strategy is focused on search, the content creators must have an advanced understanding of on-page SEO. Your expectation should be that they over-deliver on the content they create and spot opportunities that you were not aware of.

Content Marketing Services Offered

Does the agency do what you need? Different companies have different requirements. One company may need help with classic inbound marketing focused on content, which means you need an agency with marketing, SEO and content production expertise. Other companies may be working on closing a round of investment and looking to establish thought leadership through executive ghostwriting, while others may be looking to outsource their social or LinkedIn management as they know what a good source of leads LinkedIn can provide. Regardless of your aims, the services that your Montreal-based agency provides need to align with your objectives.

Larger vs Smaller Agencies

Agency size is an important factor to consider. Larger agencies have well-worn processes and experience working with a variety of clients. Because of their size, your access to their senior team members may be limited.  

With smaller agencies, the agency founders and senior strategists are more likely to have a hands-on approach. 

Also, as one client among many, your account may be of lesser importance to a larger agency. A smaller agency will likely view your account with greater importance and therefore be more motivated to exceed expectations and keep you happy.


Nous sommes bilingues à Montréal et Québec. Depending on the markets that are most relevant to you, you may need content in French or in both official languages. Good content agencies will do SEO research to ensure that the nuances of French in Quebec are captured in the keywords they focus on. Similarly, if you need to target French speakers internationally, your agency should be able to recommend a differentiated plan for local vs international French, and sometimes it’s important to target both with localized versions of your site. 

If you need content in French, you’ll obviously also need a content marketing agency that has the capacity to produce quality French-language content.


It goes without saying: cheaper isn’t always better, especially when it comes to content. In the world of search-driven content, some verticals can be hyper-competitive (though, luckily–french keywords are less so), and the likelihood of ranking comes down to the painstaking detail behind the content you publish. That said, you will have a budget and will need to judge the value you are getting versus the expense.  A benefit of working with content marketing agencies in Montreal is that they will most likely have a cost base in Canadian dollars and will generally be more cost-effective than similar agencies in the U.S.

The most important thing is to have the right content strategy at the outset. Establishing the wrong strategy will cost you much more in the long term and will not lead to the business results you are hoping for.

The Best Content Marketing Agencies in Montreal

Bread and Circuses Inc.: Welcome to the part of the article where we shamelessly pitch… 

Bread and Circuses is a content strategy, production and distribution company. The origins of the company are in the digital publishing industry, where the founder has built successful SEO and social content businesses at Ziff Davis Media (Mashable, Everyday Health, AskMen) and Montreal-based Goalcast.

We work with a talented team of content creators and strategists who know how to build content that builds brand drives business results. You can contact us to learn more. 

Other notable content marketing agencies in Montreal include:

National: A leading content agency that offers strategic planning, creative development, and media relations. They have worked with high-profile clients and won numerous industry awards.

Agence Rinaldi: A creative agency specializing in content marketing, branding, and social media. They have a strong track record of delivering high-quality content and have worked with many well-known brands.

Toast Studio: A digital agency that provides content strategy, web design, and social media marketing. They have a team of experienced professionals who deliver top-quality content and have won numerous industry awards.

Brandlucent: A content marketing agency specializing in creating high-quality content for B2B companies. They have a team of experienced writers and content strategists who can help companies improve their online presence and generate more leads.

Idea Rebel: A full-service digital agency that provides content creation, web development, and social media marketing. They have worked with high-profile clients and won numerous industry awards.

Tink: A creative agency that specializes in branding, design, and content marketing. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help companies build their brand and attract more customers.

Cossette: A marketing communications agency offering various services, including content creation, social media marketing, and digital advertising. They have worked with many well-known brands and have won numerous industry awards.

Sid Lee: A global creative agency that provides content creation, branding, and digital marketing. They have worked with many high-profile clients and have won numerous industry awards.

TP1: A digital agency that specializes in web design, content creation, and online marketing. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help companies improve their online presence and attract more customers.

CloudRaker: A digital agency that offers content creation, web design, and digital marketing. They have worked with many well-known brands and have won numerous industry awards.

Adviso: A digital marketing agency that provides content marketing, SEO, and PPC advertising. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help companies improve their online presence and attract more customers.

TANK: A creative agency that specializes in branding, design, and content marketing. They have worked with many well-known brands and have won numerous industry awards.

Republik: A marketing agency that offers content creation, social media marketing, and branding. They have worked with many high-profile clients and have won numerous industry awards.

Bleublancrouge: A creative agency that provides content creation, branding, and digital marketing. They have worked with many well-known brands and have won numerous industry awards.

Upperkut: A full-service agency that offers content creation, web design, and digital marketing. They have worked with many well-known brands and have won numerous industry awards.

Conclusion: What’s Best is What’s Best For You

Every company has different needs, and the most important part of the process is aligning with an agency that has expertise in the areas matching your distinct requirements.

Focus on doing the research to understand your options for agencies in Montreal, and certainly look for teams that have a results-oriented approach that will make content a key aspect of your overall marketing and deliver the results you need.

Want to know more about Bread and Circuses can help you with your business? Book a meeting today to discuss your business and unlock valuable opportunities.

The Best Content Marketing Agencies in Montreal-FAQ’s

What distinguishes the best content marketing agencies in Montreal?

The best content marketing agencies in Montreal stand out for their expertise in developing comprehensive content marketing strategies tailored to businesses’ specific needs and goals. They excel in creating engaging (bilingual) content across a wide range of platforms, including social media, email marketing, and digital marketing campaigns.

Do content marketing agencies in Montreal offer a wide range of services?

Many do, though some specialize in specific areas. The best content marketing agencies in Montreal typically offer a wide range of services, including content creation, social media management, email marketing, and digital marketing campaigns. They tailor their services to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client, ensuring maximum effectiveness and ROI.

How do content marketing agencies in Montreal approach digital marketing campaigns?

Content marketing agencies in approach digital marketing campaigns strategically, focusing on aligning content with clients’ business goals and target audiences. They utilize data-driven insights, creative content creation, and targeted distribution to maximize campaign effectiveness and deliver measurable results.

What is the significance of a robust content marketing strategy for businesses in Montreal?

A robust content marketing strategy is crucial for businesses in to effectively reach and engage their target audiences, build brand authority, and drive business growth, no matter their location. It helps businesses align their content efforts with their overall digital marketing strategies and business goals, ensuring long-term success and competitiveness in the market.

How do content marketing agencies in Montreal develop digital marketing strategies for their clients?

Content marketing agencies in Montreal develop digital marketing strategies by conducting thorough research, analyzing market trends, and understanding clients’ target audiences and business goals. They then develop tailored strategies that leverage various digital channels, including content marketing, social media, and email marketing, to drive results and achieve desired outcomes.

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